Monday, June 24, 2013

They Say I Say Exercise 2

       In the introduction to "They Say/I Say" : The MovesThat Matter in Academic Writing, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birenstein provide templates to help people of all ages improve their writing skills. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing documents offer "the importance not only of expresing your ideas, but presenting those ideas as a response to some other person or group" (Page 3), as the authors themselves put it "They Say and I Say." Although some people feel as if templates are only designed for children or people when they first learn something new, Graff and Birkenstein insist that these templates can help you "engage in kinds of critical thinking" (Page 3). In sum, then, their view is that templates can be used to "structure and even generate your own writing" (Page 2).
       I agree. in my view, the types of templates that these authors reccomend can be used as tools by people of all ages to help them become a better writer. For instance, these models display that you can better "develop your aguement by not just lookiing inward, but also looking outward" (Page 1). In addition, it is very important to "engage the voice of the other" (Page 1). Some may object to the thought of templates and claim that they know all that they need to know when it comes to writing, however I would argue that, "there is no major or disipline that does not require writers to frame their own claims as what others said before them" (Page 1). Overall, I belive that the templates offered in this book are a exellent way to improve ones writing ability.

They Say I Say Exercise 1

Many people of the generations before us claim that society is in the turmoil it is today due to our generations obsession with technology. Almost everywhere you look you will see a teenager with a cell phone. Cell phones help society by means of communication and connection with co-workers, family and friends, and others. Though they can be helpful cell phones can also be damaging to society due to the lack of face to face interaction. While, cell phones and other types of technology can be helpful in our moder day lives, they can also assist us in losing proper personal communication and interaction skills.
Dialectic Journal
1."You don't know about me, without you have read a book by the name of "The Adventures of Tom Saywer," but that ain't no matter." (Chapter 1 Page 3)
2. "Miss Watson, a tolerable slim old maid, with goggles on" (Chapter 1 Page 4)
3."Pap he hadn't been seen for more than a year, and that was comfortable for me; I didn't want to see him no more." (Chapter 3 Page 13)
4."He was most fifty, and he looked it. His hair was long and tangled and greasy, and hung down, and you could see his eyes shining through like he was behind vines. It was all black, no grey; so was his long mixed up whiskers." (Chapter 5 Page 21)
5. "Most everyone I knew was on the boat. Pap, Judge Thatcher, and Bessie Thatcher, and Jo Harper, and Tom Sawyer, and his old aunt Polly, and Sid and Mary, and plenty more" (Chapter 8 Page 40)
6. "Oh yes'm, I did. Sarah Mary Williams. Sarah's my first name. Some calls me Sarah, some calls me Mary." (Chapter 11 Page 61)
7. "The rain poured down...We boomed along down the river" (Chapter 13 Page 75)
Comments & Questions:
1. This informs the reader that the book is being told in the first person point of view by Huck Finn, it also displays his carefree attitude.
2. This description of Miss Watson uses imagery to help you get an idea of what she looks like and Huck's feeling towards her.
3. This helps describe the relationship between Huck and his father. His tone towards the subject depicts that Huck is not fond of his father most likely due to his series of drunken rants and his lack of being a responsible parent.
4. This description of his father is an example of imagery and helps the reader understand that he does not put effort is to much of anything aside from his drinking habits.
5. It is ironic that Huck acted like he was murdered and fled town to get away from his father and he was one of the first people that he had seen once he had escaped.
6. This demonstrates Huck forgetful and childish personality. This is significant because it ruins Huck's opportunity to stay under the radar.
7. This use of detail shows that it was very difficult for Jim and Huck to travel down the river late at night in the harsh rain.